Business Plans - the Easy-1-2-3 way!
The One Page Snapshot Business Plan you can edit - the simplest way to get started ...
for only $US1.00!
For just $US1.00 you can have your own one page business plan which you can start typing on within the next few minutes, an instant download after you've made your payment.
This version of the One Page Snapshot Business Plan is in Rich Text Format (RTF) which means that you can TYPE ONTO IT.
RTF documents can be opened in the majority of word processor software like Microsoft Word, ClarisWorks, Google Docs, iWork etc - if you're not sure, look in the Help screens for YOUR word processing software for "RTF" or "rich text format", to find out more information.
Is this in your "Too hard" basket?
For most people about to start a business and even those already in business, the thought of creating a business plan is overwhelming, sounds hard, maybe even too difficult, and is better left in the *too hard basket* - the place where you put things you don't want to work out right now :-)
I was one of those people who knew it was important to have one, but I just didn't know *how* to get started.
I read a lot of information online, attended a guzillion courses related to businesses - online and offline, read a zillion books, and then I became a Certified Tutor in Small Business Management.
With all the clients I have talked to [and more importantly *listened to* and helped] over the years, it became so obvious to me that this task still seemed too difficult.
What could I do to make it easier??
I gave this a lot of thought, and wondered ... what would *I* be happy to do to get started on writing my very own business plan ... without pain?
The answer came to me quickly and easily - if I only had to write ONE page, I'd be happy!
So a seed of an idea turned itself into a one-page document which I call the Snapshot Business Plan - and I'm giving it away for free, because I want to help as many people as I can.
Now don't think this is all you have to do! No no no - you still have to do some work to create a professional looking business plan, but this Snapshot is your first step.
Once you have taken that first step, the other steps seem a whole lot easier, trust me, I'm speaking from experience here!
"What will I get?"
Once you sign up you will receive:
- the one page Snapshot Business Plan - ready to type on
- one email every 3 days with easy-to-follow instructions on how to fill in each of the sections of the Business Plan
- free copies of Your BIZ Hot TIPS newsletter!
Ready to download your document - the One Page Snapshot Business Plan?
Follow these simple steps today:
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If you're looking for a f-r-e-e One page Business Plan, or a complete Business Plan, I have a 42 page version which is filled in with text and tables - all you need to do is add your own details and plans for the future.
PS : I know how great it feels to finally feel like you're *getting somewhere*, and taking it one step at a time makes it achievable - I know that from my own experiences, and I wish you the best of luck in your adventure of writing your own business plan!
Teen Hughes
Every business needs a business plan.
I know it sounds complicated and scary, but you know what? So did I, until I worked out a way to make it sound and feel 'less scary'.
If you think of it as a blueprint of what you'd like to achieve with your business, the direction you'd like to go in, and how you're going to bring money in, then this is the document you need.
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