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Client News

CLIENT NEWS - Jan/Feb 2008 provides SEO, SEM and web design

Hi everyone!

The New Year is a distant memory, we're zooming through February, and we're almost at the end of the first quarter of the year ...

How did that happen??

Goodness me the time is flying by, and our businesses need to be nurtured every day like gardens to help them grow.  Don't let your website sit, untended, for months on end.

I have a few things I'd like to mention in this newsletter - do let me know if you have other questions, and thanks to those of you who have posted questions, it's always great to get feedback.

Here's to a fabulously successful year ahead for one and all!


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o  Easiest way to create your goals/dreams for 2008
o  How to Lose Your Website Ranking in One Easy Step
o  What happens if you're late with your hosting/domain renewal?
o  Office closed for June 2008
o  Hosting : What's included?

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Do you have your
goals/dreams written
down for 2008?

There are sooo many ways to write down your goals, or put them online, look at them every day, and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming trying to get started.  It might be hard to verbalise what your goals actually are, or you're not sure just HOW to do this.

Years ago I had a lightbulb moment (or an 'Aha!' moment as Oprah calls it) when someone gave me a simple explanation about what goals really are.

It helped me, and I wonder if it might help some of you, whether you're a procrastinator or just someone who doesn't know how to get started.

Turning GOALS
and back again

First of all - replace the word 'goals' with the word 'dreams'.

If you start to DREAM of where you'd like you and your business to be in 12 months, that sounds like a lot more fun than 'setting goals".

Daydream, doodle, make notes about these little dreaming session - hey, it is work after all :-)

So if you DREAM about what your success MIGHT be, write that down.  Write down all those little pictures popping into your head - receiving an award at a business function, landing that big client, growing your business, etc etc.

1.  Daydream about all those ideas, don't limit yourself at all.

When you've got a bunch of great dreams and you're feeling buzzed, grab a piece of paper, notepad or a document on your computer.

o  Write down each DREAM with as much detail as you like
o  Leave space to add more to this later, as you think up new steps to follow.

2.  When all the dreams are written down, go back and choose the one at the top of the list.

o  Can you think about what the step might be just --before-- that final result?  Write that down.
o  Work backwards, writing down each step, each milestone you will need to reach to achieve that final dream.
o  You can always go back later and add in more detailed steps.

3.  When you've finished the DREAM at the top of the list, start on the next one, and work out all the steps - backwards - it's much easier isn't it, than the usual way to "set goals"?

4.  When you've finished ALL the dreams and have mini-lists for them, give yourself a giant pat on the back.  You've just created your GOALS for the next year!!

5.  Now - why not try that for the next 2 years, or 5, or 10?  If you're a VISUAL person, grab a sheet of cardboard and draw the steps involved for one dream.  Cut out photos in magazines or print pics from the internet to create a visual DREAM BOARD.  If you look at this every day, it will keep you on track and you will be able to focus much better on what's required to achieve your DREAMS.

6.  You can even take this further and work out WHEN each step needs to happen - write a DATE beside it.

Bravo - you're well on your way to fulfilling your dreams!

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The Fastest Way to
Lose Your Website
-- or --
What's YOUR current
email name?

When you signed up for Hosting, Website and/or Domain name with BuildaWebsiteTonight (or any other company), which EMAIL name did you use?

If you can't remember, you should dig out your Login email details and go check.  Today.

The reason I mention this is that a few clients have lost their domain names over the past year because they didn't keep their records up-to-date.

Automated emails are sent to remind people when to renew their hosting, websites and/or domains.

If you change email names during the year, and don't update those systems, chances are you'll lose your website or domain too, simply because you didn't update your contact details.

Generally there are approximately 3 email reminders.  You may not even know you're website or email doesn't work any more until someone tries to contact you.

Don't let someone else end up owning your domain name.

Check your records today, login and make sure YOUR email name is current.  The responsibility is yours.

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How To Lose Your
Website Ranking in
the Search Engines
in ONE Easy Step
-- or --
What happens if
you're late with your

Recently I was asked the question, "What happens if I don't pay my website hosting renewal by the due date?"

Some people might think it's ok to be a bit late with their payment, just like a phone bill.

Well, I'd like to let you know exactly what can happen if you don't pay on time.

o  First of all, if anyone searches for you in a Search Engine, your site name will not appear. A message may appear in it's place advising the hosting hasn't been renewed.

o  Next, the website is dropped by all the search engines.   That's right - you get dropped.  After all, the search engines send their robots, and when they don't find your site, they report back and your pages are flagged as 'do not exist'.

o If you had a Google Page Rank, you lose it. No questions asked. After all, there are no pages online any more.

o  If you really DO want to keep your website, and you're a day late, that's not drastic.  If you let your renewals lapse for as long as 1 to 4 weeks, and if you had a well-established website, suddenly you do not exist online.  If you had people visiting your site regularly, it's not pretty for them to see the notification "No such website" or "Not renewed".  You lose business credibility and your clients may lose any sense of confidence or loyalty they felt.

o  This situation can lead to other issues, like cybersquatting and domain stealing.  There are many unscrupulous people who will apply for your domain name the minute it lapses, and if you don't renew in time, you can lose your site (which includes all your content) and your domain name.  In effect, it's like losing your business credibility overnight.

o  The financial ramifications also need to be seriously considered.  You may be asked to pay a Reinstatement Fee on top of your Renewal to save the website.  If you let the domain name lapse for 30 days, it goes into a Redemption Period. The only way to retrieve it is to pay a fee starting from $US190 plus the renewal fees - this is through the Domain regsitration body, not your hosting company.

If this happens to you, and you do manage to get your site back online, you may need to start applying for listings in the search engines all over again - all your hard work has to be redone.

Let's hope this doesn't happen to any of you.

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o  Office closed for June 2008

I will be out of town from 6th June to 6th July, all Help and Support enquiries can be lodged via your Hosting and/or Domain logins.  More details as the time gets closer.

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What's included  in
your HOSTING with us?

In case you haven't logged into your Hosting Account lately, you may not know about the updates to what's included in your Hosting account - at no extra charge to you.

All  our basic accounts include the following :

15Gb of disk space on our servers for each Business Account
300Gb of Data Transfer each month
3 Domains can be hosted on the same Business Account

Other goodies included in your Hosting:

100 email names per website
100 email  name 'aliases'
5 x mailing lists
20 x MySQL database
20 x FTP accounts [for remote access]
anti virus protection
spam protection
24/7 Hosting & Domain Support
30 day money back guarantee after purchase

Software which can be installed through your Hosting account :

  • calendar
  • blog
  • adverts page
  • your own support center
  • your own LiveHelp
  • discussion board, community Forum
  • e-commerce
  • photo gallery
  • links software
  • form generator
  • billing/invoicing system
  • and many more.

How to see all these solutions?

Simply login to your Hosting Account and select the Elefante Scripts to view all the possibilities.  If you have questions, please click the link for 24/7 Help which you will find at the top of the screen after you login.

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Our free 24 Hour Help Desk can assist you :

If it's urgent, you can call the 24 Hour Support Team [phone number details on the web page above] who will help you immediately with your hosting or domain problem.

Hope you're having a great month, and may the upcoming months be successful and fun!

Silk Painting in France with Teena Hughes - Unique and unusual handpainted silk designs

Ciao for now!
Teena Hughes
Australia tel: +61 0408-801-808

Need help with your hosting?

If you have any questions about your hosting, please contact Support who will be able to help you:

Customer support

If we've helped you get your website online, and you have questions, please contact my office on:

I will send you interesting info every now and then - if you wish to opt out of these client updates, please email me - info [at] buildawebsitetonight [dot] com - with Unsubscribe as the Subject.

Support & Logins

News Archives

Customer support

Video Tutorials

Login to Hosting

Login to Webmail

Domain Only Logins

Phone Support

US TOLL FREE PHONE: +1-800-574-0902

INTERNATIONAL PHONE: +1-510-870-0646

UK PHONE : +44-20-7993-2673

AU PHONE : +61-2-8014-8213

Phone support work hours:
Monday to Friday:
10.00 AM - 12.00 AM GMT/UK
05.00 AM - 07.00 PM EST/USA

Live Chat work hours:
Monday to Sunday:
09.00 AM - 02.00 AM GMT/UK

04.00 AM - 11.00 PM EST/US

06.00 PM - 08.00 AM EST/AU

Please, have your account information prepared in advance when calling us to request help.

Contact Teena
PO Box 1333
Rozelle NSW 2039

Australia local: 0408-801-808

Outside Australia: +61-408-801-808


Tips & Tools


Start your own Newsletter

Create Calendars

CMS Website Tutorials

HTML Cheat Sheet

How to Plan a Website

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